Wednesday 10 December 2014

Senior syndicate assembly.

There were lots of things to celebrate at our assembly today!! 
Here are some photos of our 'Thinking Kids' getting awards. 

Thursday 27 November 2014

We are artists!

Room 1 and 2 have been doing a rotation and this time we did art.
We used water color and Indian ink to paint our paintings. We chose some symbols to represent our lives and put them in a piece of art. We drew the symbols on a big piece of paper,  painted 
them with three colours then outlined them with Indian ink. We also had to sign 
our pieces of art with our name.

Wednesday 19 November 2014


In rooms 1 and 2 we have been using a new learning tool called  it's fun for your learning you make comics to express your learning to share with others.These pictures here are us making Bitstrips about year 5 and what we do and have learnt.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Writing plays

Rooms 1 and 2 have been writing plays from narratives. We have to make sure there is lots of speech,a setting,a problem and a resolution. We also have to make sure that we don't change the story too much and that everybody cooperated. It was really fun!

Tuesday 11 November 2014


First class and Talented two have been taking part in marble season over the last two weeks.  There are 9 types of marbles the moon,titanic,bulldog,tom,genie,cat size,monkey,steele and the rare piwi.  You always have to roll the marble 1 size smaller than itself but you can roll anything at a catsize,monkey,steele or piwi.  You loose all the marbles you roll unless you hit them then you get the marble you hit and the one you rolled.  Here are some photos of us all having fun!

Friday 7 November 2014


In room 1 and 2 we have been learning about drama specifically miming but to do miming you have to use facial expressions. Most importantly you can't talk because using your facial expressions help tell a story or a feeling. First we chose a feeling and acted it out using different emotions but we had to pretend we were stuck in a box. So if you chose the emotion of scared then you would put a scared and worried face on and if you wanted you could use actions like knocking on the box window for help. then we got together with a group of 4 so we could make a scenario  then we performed it to rooms 1 and 2 and they had to guess what our scenario was. If they could guess that meant that we used good facials and actions.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

In room 1 and 2 as part of our reading we have been doing priorities and choices, one of our  priorities is current events. When we were searching the site  we came upon  an article called Daniel Radcliffe Raps Blackalicious' "Alphabet Aerobics". Here is the link

We also had to think about the article from another perspective. 
We choose Jimmy fallon 

  • Enthuastic 
  • Can he do it
  • How fast do i need to throw these cards

Care about:
  • Daniel mucking up
  • Myself mucking up
  • I hope the crowd  enjoy this 

  • Daniel is succeding
  • He is keeping up to daniel
stick around rooms 1 and 2 are going to give it a go.

Friday 31 October 2014

Room 1 and 2s move around

On Friday room 1 and 2 were told that we were going to move the furniture around to make it look more awesome and tidy!!!!!!We had to work as a team to make sure our class rooms look good.We were excited that we got to choice where the desks go.In room 1 we had a u shape for our desks so rooms 1 and 2 have lots of space to sit on the mat.So the u shaped worked out really well.In room 2 they had their desks scattered around the classroom and I really cool library Corner witch room 1 and 2 share .Also in room 1 it has the computer table which we share our computers with room 2.Our class rooms are a huge success and they have lots of space!Here are some photos of our new and improved class rooms!!!!!

Thanks for looking at our super awesome blog!!!!!!

Thursday 30 October 2014

Science Showcase

We are very proud of our Science Showcase. We had so many people come to talk to us about our science learning. Here are some photos...

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Science Showcase

We are getting ready for the Science Showcase. We have worked really hard and can't wait to share our learning with everyone! Here is a sneak peek...

Turbo Celebration!

On Friday CSNS celebrated the Manawatu Turbos home final against Hawkes Bay.
To support them we all wore green for our favourite rugby team.

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Show not tell movie

We have been learning how to show not tell in our writing. We do this to add extra detail and make our writing interesting. Everyone was very enthusiastic to share their writing so we have made a movie of some people reading their writing.


We are working hard and getting ready for the CSNS Spellathon!

Keep practising at home everyone!!!

Tuesday 21 October 2014


Every Tuesday and Friday the Senior Syndicate goes to the field to do athletics training. We do high jump, long jump, long distance running, hurdles, relays and sprints. 

We are having lots of fun. 

Monday 20 October 2014

Calendar art!!!

For our Callander art we are making balloons like in the movie up! This is how you make it!

Step 1.sponge a blue background that has dark blue and light blue then leave it to dry
2.chose a variety of bright paint and stroke it onto the plain piece of paper until you are satisfied then when the paint is dry you can paint patterns on it or leave it plain.

3. Draw about 20 balloon shapes of any size and then cut them out.

4. Arrange your previously made balloons on a side corner of your sponged blue background, then glue the balloons on when your happy with your arrangement.

5. Get someone to take a photo of you  with your arms above your head and your hands clasped together.Print it out in colour then carefully cut it out and glue it on the opposite corner of the page.

6. Draw vivid lines from your hands to a few of the balloons there should be 3-5 strings

Friday 17 October 2014

How To Make Toast

Today Rooms 1 and 2 were learning how to write a procedure. Our procedures were about How To Make Toast and Miss Hollier tryed to follow our procedures but we didn't make our procedures very clear since that we did not make our procedures very specific. But when we finished editing and made our procedures very specific Miss Hollier was able to follow our procedures. So because of that we were able to make scrumptios toast! Look at our photos.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Kia Kaha

Kia Kaha:
Be Strong.
We are learning to be strong. (Kia Kaha)
Kia Kaha is important to all of us. Because it helps us defend ourselves against bullying. 
Bullying can come in different forms these include: Cyber, Physical, Verbal, Exclusion, mental and sometimes even jokes can hurt others self esteem. So we did some exercises so we can identify when bullying happens. We learnt what to do if we are witnesses, victims or even bully's the answer wasn't always going to a grown up. We got a slip of paper with a scenario and we had to freeze in a position to show the scenario then when she called ACTION! We had to act out how we could solve the situation.

Friday 19 September 2014

Creative photos

These  photos  shows you how amazing it is when you pour water out of a drink bottle. The force used is gravity pulling the water down to the earth's surface!!!


In room 1 and 2 we have priorities and choices to complete for reading. One of our choices was to take a creative photo and caption it so we went out side and took some photos. We choose the best 2 photos from the ones we had already taken! Then we made 2 rhyming sentences that matched the photos, next we put it all together with pic collage and added some creative stickers that matched the text. For example we added jandles for the first text and a love heart for the other text. So now we are really proud that we have successfully completed one of our choices!
(Sarah and Lily)

Wearable Junk.


                                 Wearable junk!!!!!

On the 18th of September 2014 our school CSNS had a competition. The conservation club hosted this event to raise money to go to Kapiti Island and to help a wildlife centre. (Kapiti  Island  is on the out skirt of New Zealand). The 4 people who entered from room 1 were Claudia, Ana, Maia and Georgia. We entered because we were inspired by the idea. We all wanted to make a difference to our community by making some outfits made out of junk! The four of us thought it would be a fun and easy to raise money and there were many entries. Georgia did a great job of her outfit so great that she came 3rd in the senior category. Since there where a lot of people she was one lucky kid!!!!!! All of the entries were amazing! 

Dance NZ made performance at Wearable Junk!

On Thursday 18th of September the talented dance NZ group performed at this years CSNS wearable junk. We were specially asked to perform at this fantastic event, we may have performed amazingly and left the crowd speechless but we couldn't of done it without the amazing Miss Ross! A special thanks goes out to you and I'm sure the rest of the dance NZ team feel the same. During our second dance the music stopped but we just carried on and handled it like pro's. The night was amazing and it was a perfect practise show for the real day.

Thursday 18 September 2014

We are at the library

This book is called billionaire boy. It is about a boy named Joe Spud. He was the richest 12 year old in the world!

We like this book because it has sense of humor and it is really funny his dad got rich just because he invented toliet paper.He sold so much toliet paper and got a lot of money from it that is why the kid Joe -Spud anything he every wanted.
We recommend this book for kids from 8 -13. 

What is you favourite book?

Comments below :)

In Training

This is a play 6 children from rooms 1 and 2 put together. We were told to pick a school journal and do the play in it.We were really short of time and only had a week to film and edit. It took about 3 days to film(with costumes and props.)But we were lucky to have a big native bush that was the perfect place to film. After that we had to paste all the scenes together, add in black outs(when needed) then fit the title in and our end credits. We did it all on imovie and we have entered it in the digi awards.We have our fingers crossed to win. It was an amazing experience and super fun:)!!!!!!

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Our art

We are making onomatopoeia art. We are making it from nine steps. The steps are:

1. Choose your word(such as boom and smash)

2. Cut out your letters

3. Collage (a5 recycled dictionary paper)

4. Cut out your shape

5. Glue it on coloured paper for a border x2

6. Glue it on your a4 paper

7. Now glue on your letters 

8. Stick on shapes (that match your word)

9. Glue it on your black paper

These will look so awesome when they are done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jigsaw reading

We have been having some great reading sessions this week!!  We split into 3 large groups to read and discuss a book. We then split into groups of 3 to discuss our book with 2 people who had read different books. We looked for common themes and ideas and summarised these in 3 words. Eg - friends, choices, bullying.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Cricket catching

Room 1 has been learning how to do cricket catching by getting into groups of two and throwing the ball to each other. Remember we're only just learning but look how amazing we are already. You can  see that we're having so much fun and concentrating on the ball.

Sport Rotation

Room 2 have been learning how to play badminton in sport rotation. We are pro's at it now. We have learnt how to do front serve back serve and over head shots. We have been playing rallies. Badminton is fun!!!!!