Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Rocks in room 12/13

In pot of gold we have some very cool rocks . 

Obsidian is formed by molten and lava with hot rock set in a funny shape.


  1. Cool rocks
    By YuMeng Yutongs sister

  2. Brenden Philllips - Cole's Dad25 May 2015 at 19:27

    The obsidian is a very cool igneous rock. It was used to form tools with sharp edges.

  3. Shelley, Dorothy's mum27 May 2015 at 20:25

    I love how shiny and beuatiful this rock is!

  4. Very cool rocks indeed! isaac's Grandad would approve!

  5. Hi there room 12/13...A fine specimen of 'volcanic glass' thanks for sharing!! Brenden, Cole's dad mentioned it was used for its sharp edge. Can anyone tell us what kind of tool / implements were made using the rock and any other interesting facts?
