Friday, 24 April 2015

Anzac Biscuits

24/4/15 Pot of gold have been making Anzac biscuits for Anzac day tomorrow. The Anzac biscuits are to celebrate the soldiers who fought and died during the Great War. Well done to the soldiers that contributed to the country we know and love today. And let's not forget about Australia's soldiers who helped also to fight against the enemy.

By Tyler and Adam 

Tuesday, 21 April 2015


Today pot of gold learned about expressions. We did a colour symbol image chart we had to pick a colour that we thought represented expression we had to draw a symbol that represented expression and draw an image that represents expression.Below each one we had to write about why we picked them.After that we did some freeze frames. All of are freeze frames were about expressions we had only  three minutes to make our freeze frames.Then we had to guess each other's freeze frames we had fun learning about expressions.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Shadow dance

We are exploring expression in Pot of Gold this term. We watched this shadow dance today. Can you work out what the story is? Do you know why this is linked to expression?


How to make toast?

Today our teachers pretended that they didn't know how to make toast this morning when really they did.So we had to write the inscuctions of how to make toast and after that the teachers used our inscuctions to try make some toast but we had no good inscuctions so we had to do it again.
In the end we all got toast , as you can see in the picture. The purpose of the lesson was to make sure our instructions were specific.

          By Jake.R & Baxter.M 


Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Chalk on carpet😀

Today at school we did a thinking routine called Connect extend challenge.
We wrote on the carpet (naughty!) We brainstormed our thinking.!!!
We were brainstorming about moutains and rocks and layers. Ella and Baxter

Discovery of the mountains

As you can see we were exploring the life cycle of a mountain but using a play dough model.Pot of gold spilt up into groups and one of the groups mountain looked like this inside the mountain model as you can see pot of gold have made some very cool mountains and they made it using teamwork.We were so  excited that we didn't listen.          Bye carter and Lachlan.