Thursday, 27 November 2014

We are artists!

Room 1 and 2 have been doing a rotation and this time we did art.
We used water color and Indian ink to paint our paintings. We chose some symbols to represent our lives and put them in a piece of art. We drew the symbols on a big piece of paper,  painted 
them with three colours then outlined them with Indian ink. We also had to sign 
our pieces of art with our name.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014


In rooms 1 and 2 we have been using a new learning tool called  it's fun for your learning you make comics to express your learning to share with others.These pictures here are us making Bitstrips about year 5 and what we do and have learnt.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Writing plays

Rooms 1 and 2 have been writing plays from narratives. We have to make sure there is lots of speech,a setting,a problem and a resolution. We also have to make sure that we don't change the story too much and that everybody cooperated. It was really fun!

Tuesday, 11 November 2014


First class and Talented two have been taking part in marble season over the last two weeks.  There are 9 types of marbles the moon,titanic,bulldog,tom,genie,cat size,monkey,steele and the rare piwi.  You always have to roll the marble 1 size smaller than itself but you can roll anything at a catsize,monkey,steele or piwi.  You loose all the marbles you roll unless you hit them then you get the marble you hit and the one you rolled.  Here are some photos of us all having fun!

Friday, 7 November 2014


In room 1 and 2 we have been learning about drama specifically miming but to do miming you have to use facial expressions. Most importantly you can't talk because using your facial expressions help tell a story or a feeling. First we chose a feeling and acted it out using different emotions but we had to pretend we were stuck in a box. So if you chose the emotion of scared then you would put a scared and worried face on and if you wanted you could use actions like knocking on the box window for help. then we got together with a group of 4 so we could make a scenario  then we performed it to rooms 1 and 2 and they had to guess what our scenario was. If they could guess that meant that we used good facials and actions.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

In room 1 and 2 as part of our reading we have been doing priorities and choices, one of our  priorities is current events. When we were searching the site  we came upon  an article called Daniel Radcliffe Raps Blackalicious' "Alphabet Aerobics". Here is the link

We also had to think about the article from another perspective. 
We choose Jimmy fallon 

  • Enthuastic 
  • Can he do it
  • How fast do i need to throw these cards

Care about:
  • Daniel mucking up
  • Myself mucking up
  • I hope the crowd  enjoy this 

  • Daniel is succeding
  • He is keeping up to daniel
stick around rooms 1 and 2 are going to give it a go.